Last Minute Things to do Before the Semester Starts

1) Be sure you have all of your supplies.
Unless you’re waiting until the semester starts, you’ve hopefully already purchased your textbooks. People usually forget about the little school supplies though, like pencils, notebooks, paper, highlighters, and index cards. Now is the time when school supplies are on sale, and you might not have time (or they might be sold out) if you wait until school start to get your supplies. Take inventory of what supplies you think you’ll need and head out and purchase them.
2) Pack your bag.
You can save yourself a little bit of stress in the morning of your first class if you pack your bag now. Make sure that you have a notebook and pen or pencil, and anything else you need for class. Also pack anything else you might like to keep in your bag. I like to have things like granola bars, a small pack of tissues, chapstick, etc. My motto is that it’s better to be prepared for anything, so I carry things like aspirin and tampons as well. Now is also a good time to take stock of what you need for your bag and get it.
3) Clean your room.
I don’t know about you, but during the school year things can start getting messy in my room. If you take the time now to deep clean, you can postpone the mess for a little bit. If you haven’t finished unpacking yet, make sure to finish that up now because you won’t have time later. Also take the time to clean and really organize your desk. It’s nice to start the year off with a clean desk so you have somewhere to work during the semester.
4) Review your schedule.
Make sure that you know what classes you’re taking, when they meet, and where they are. You can walk around campus and locate your classes if you have the time and are worried about it. You can also start to plan out when you’ll have time to run to the cafeteria, hit the gym, or study in the library. Having a good schedule is an important part of a successful semester.
5) Spend some time getting to know your roommates.
Soon you’ll all have class and work at different times, and you’ll probably not all be home at the same time very often. You don’t have to be best friends with your roommates, but it’s a good idea to be on a good basis with them. You can establish a good relationship from the beginning by doing something together, like going to dinner, baking some treats, or watching a movie.
August 10, 2016 at 8:58 amHey Kym! I love this post. So many people leave these things for the last minute or forget to do them. I’ve already ordered my textbooks, cleaned my room, and checked out my schedule. I just need to pack my bag and pick out my outfit and I’m ready to go 🙂